Franck Carducci — Duycker, Hoofddorp, Netherlands, 8 April 2018
It was the 8th of April and it was the first warm weekend in the Netherlands. In my hometown, Franck Carducci was scheduled for an afternoon concert. You never know how many warm weekends you get in the Netherlands but it was still an easy choice to go and see Franck Carducci and his band.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
Before the Franck Carducci Band was on, there was a time slot for Mary Reynaud. She also sings in the Franck Carducci Band but before the rock and roll show would start, she played some songs from her own repertoire. Gentle mellow music on acoustic guitar, even a song in French.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
Then it was time for the Franck Carducci show. A funny intro tape with many well known rock tunes and then Franck entered the stage, like a real Superstar. He wore big sunglasses and some furry thing around his neck. The Franck Carducci Band play retro prog, a lot of influences from Genesis and Pink Floyd. However, Franck still really delivers his own style. New songs with a comfortably familiar feel to it.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
Franck put on his "normal" stage clothes and continued with Closer To Irreversible, a song from the album Torn Apart. After this it was time for another new song. The After Effect featured Mary Reynaud on the Theremin. This is an instrument that looks like a common radio with an antenna. She played the instrument/antenna with her whole body, what resulted in a sensual dance.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
During Achilles, the opening song on the Oddity album, guitar player Christophe Obadia took over on the Theremin. His dance was not sensual but more manly and powerful. He also gave everything he had, using his whole body to create the sounds. Great to see these kind of show elements in a progressive rock concert.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
Franck explained he liked playing new songs but that also means deleting some older songs from the setlist to make room for the new ones. This was solved by the Old Song Medley.
He played some short sections from songs from the albums Oddity and Torn Apart that were usually on the setlist. In the middle was a drum solo by Antoine Nino Reina. Both guitar players played some classic rock riffs together. Christophe Obadia and Steve Marsala rocked the stage, very good guitar tandem they are.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
Then something special happened. A real unplugged concert. Not just acoustic but even without amplifiers. Franck explained he wanted to go back to the atmosphere of Woodstock. No worries, peace and freedom. During On The Road To Nowhere, Franck Carducci was supported by the other band members snapping their fingers for the rhythm. During the chorus they all sang along. It did not take long before everybody in the audience was snapping their finger to the rhythm — very special.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
The title track of the second album Torn Apart surely was not unplugged. A very heavy song that really rocked. The heavy rocking lasted one song, new song The Angel was mellow, almost angelic. Certainly the appearance of Mary Reynaud was angelic. With the lights in her cape she was really shining.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
New song Deja Vu Airport was based on an episode of The Twilight Zone. Franck said he was asked to write a song that was more suitable for radio. It had to be within four minutes and it had to be stupid. He succeeded. A nice track, I am looking forward to hear it on the radio! Great, heavy keyboard solo by Olivier Castan.
But of course, all prog heads in Hoofddorp wanted to hear lengthy songs like Alice's Eerie Dream. Franck put on his mad hat and Mary put on her Alice dress. Christophe Obadia played the didgeridoo when he was trying to scare Alice. It is things like this that make it fun and special to watch a Franck Carducci Band show.
Photo by Edwin Roosjen, used by kind permission
As an encore he played Artificial Paradise that transformed into Eclipse from Pink Floyd. It ended a wonderful show.
A great performance by the Franck Carducci band and, as always, the sound in Duycker was perfect. A bit over fifty people attended this afternoon concert instead of enjoying the sun. Still a good turn-out considering the weather outside and that the show was scheduled in then afternoon. I was happy I went to see the Franck Carducci Band! Great band, great concert.
Superstar Closer To Irreversible The After Effect Achilles Old Song Medley On The Road To Nowhere Torn Apart The Angel Deja Vu Airport Alice's Eerie Dream
Artificial Paradise Eclipse (Pink Floyd Cover)